2021年1月2日 星期六

Research Interest 研究興趣

1. 食品病原菌藥物抗藥性 Antibiotic Resistance of Food Pathogens 

2.微生物發酵及酵素合成製備香氣化合物 Microbial Fermentation and Enzymatic Transformation of Aroma Compounds

3.食品中微生物控制 Microbial Control in Foods


1.    食品病原菌藥物抗藥性 Antibiotic Resistance of Food Pathogens 



The problem of bacterial drug resistance is becoming increasingly serious, and the issue of hospital and community infections is also getting worse. The discovery of antibiotics allows humans to fight pathogens clinically. However, bacterial resistance may lead to a predicament where no antibiotics are effective in the future...


(1)  抗藥性機制研究 (Drug resistance mechanisms)

本實驗室研究食品病原菌海洋弧菌 (Vibrios)的抗藥性機制,探討藥物轉運幫浦 (Drug transporter)及乙醯內胺酶 (β-lactamase),從功能上及結構上的角度對上述兩種蛋白質加以分析,以期能在延緩細菌藥物抗性及新藥研究設計 (Drug design)上能有所貢獻。


Our laboratory studies the drug resistance mechanisms of foodborne pathogenic vibrios, explores drug transporters and β-lactamase, and analyzes the above two proteins from functional and structural perspectives. We hope to contribute to delaying bacterial drug resistance and new drug research and design.


(2)  篩選海藻內具調節抗生素功效物質 (Screenings for the substances exhibiting modulation activities for antibiotics in seaweeds)

細菌抗藥性問題日益嚴重,然而,有關抗生素新藥開發的進展緩慢。篩選藻類萃取物具備降低轉運幫浦轉運藥物的能力,為可能的轉運幫浦抑制劑 (Efflux pump inhibitors, EPIs);此外,也初步發現藻類萃取物具備降低乙醯內胺酶的活性,具備可能的乙醯內胺酶抑制劑的潛力。開發具調節抗生素功效物質可望協助現有抗生素用於對抗抗藥性微生物感染。


The problem of bacterial drug resistance is becoming increasingly serious, but progress in the development of new antibiotic drugs is slow. We are screening for algal extracts that can reduce drug transport pump activity, which could be potential efflux pump inhibitors (EPIs). In addition, we have initially found that algal extracts can reduce the activity of β-lactamase and have the potential to be β-lactamase inhibitors. Developing substances with antibiotic modulation effects may help existing antibiotics to combat drug-resistant microbial infections.


(3)  食品產業鏈微生物抗藥性監控 (Monitoring antibiotic resistance in the food chain)

世界衛生組織於2015年提出全球微生物抗藥性行動計畫,內容包括五大目標: 通過有效地交流,教育和培訓提高對抗菌素耐藥性的認識和了解; 通過監視和研究加強知識和證據基礎; 通過有效的消毒,個人衛生和感染預防措施減少感染的發生率; 優化在人類和動物健康維護中抗菌藥物的使用; 持續投資各國家之新藥的投資、診斷工具、疫苗及其他干預措施。本實驗室擬持續在食品產業鏈中分離食品病原菌並分析監控及抗藥性動態情況。

In 2015, the World Health Organization proposed a global action plan on microbial drug resistance. This plan includes five main objectives: (1) Improve awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance through effective communication, education and training; (2) Strengthen the knowledge and evidence base through surveillance and research; (3) Reduce the incidence of infection through effective sanitation, hygiene and infection prevention measures; (4) Optimize the use of antimicrobial medicines in human and animal health; (5) Develop the economic case for sustainable investment that takes account of the needs of all countries, and increase investment in new medicines, diagnostic tools, vaccines and other interventions. Our laboratory plans to continue to isolate foodborne pathogens in the food industry chain and analyze, monitor, and study their resistance dynamics.


2.    微生物發酵及酵素合成製備香氣化合物 Microbial Fermentation and Enzymatic Transformation of Aroma Compounds

香氣化合物依其化學結構可分為簡要分為四大類: 含硫類化合物 (Sulfur compounds)、脂肪族化合物 (Aliphatic compounds)、芳香族化合物 (Aromatic compounds)、環狀烴族化合物 (Cycloalkanes and cycloalkenes)及雜環類化合物 (Heterocyclic compounds)。而香料應用範圍廣泛,可運用於食品工業、飲料工業、菸草工業、日用化學工業、化妝品產業、香水產業及醫藥產業等。目前市場上的香料以物理方式製備為主。然而,直接從動植物萃取天然香料也面臨來源不足及成本增加的挑戰。目前市場的『追求天然』、『潔淨標示』趨勢使全球食品香料產業聚焦於開發以微生物或酵素轉化的方式生產各式天然香料。本實驗室預計以微生物發酵及酵素催化方式製備香氣化合物。

Aroma compounds can be briefly divided into four major categories with a total of 18 items: Sulfur compounds, Aliphatic compounds, Aromatic compounds, Cycloalkanes and cycloalkenes, and Heterocyclic compounds. The application of fragrances is widespread and can be used in the food industry, beverage industry, tobacco industry, daily chemical industry, cosmetics industry, perfume industry, and pharmaceutical industry, etc. At present, the fragrances on the market are mainly prepared by physical methods. However, directly extracting natural fragrances from animals and plants also faces challenges of insufficient sources and increased costs. The current market's "pursuit of natural" and "clean label" trends have focused the global food flavor industry on developing various natural flavors through microbial or enzymatic transformation.Our laboratory plans to prepare aroma compounds through microbial fermentation and enzymatic catalysis.


3.食品中微生物控制 Microbial Control in Foods

食品病原菌 (Food pathogens)及食品腐敗菌(Food spoilage microorganisms)污染原物料或食品品質的下降。微生物控制 (Microbial control)為增加食品品質的一種方式,本實驗室的研究方向包含評估食品廢棄物萃取液及食品級香料用於食品中微生物控制的潛力。

Foodborne pathogens and food spoilage microorganisms contaminate raw materials or degrade food quality. Microbial control is a way to improve food quality. Our laboratory's research direction includes assessing the potential of food waste extracts and food-grade fragrances for microbial control in foods.